With the harsher weather preventing us from working up on the fells, we took shelter under the ancient oaks at Derwent Gorge for most of the winter. Here work is often left until the colder months, as during the spring and summer we can get up to Moor House, Widdybank and Cronkley Fell more easily.
With the help of our fantastic volunteers we spent the first few months fixing up the large stretches of fencing which mark the boundaries of our site, there was a lot to be done!
We caught the last burst of autumn colour from the oaks in the November sunshine. The second image is a section of fence which we freed from a hugely dense area of blackthorn. A prickly job, but with very satisfying results of a clear livestock fence and access to much needed repairs. The third image is of Martin, Gordon and John replacing a section of rail fencing on a previously overgrown slope.
In January and February we had showers of snow, some heavier than others. This occasionally halted our work on the reserves, but we found plenty of indoor jobs to keep us busy.
In January we began to coppice an area of old hazel stands at Derwent Gorge. At first we only intended on thinning out the dense canopy, but once we were amongst the trees we saw the potential for introducing a small glade to the woodland. Glades are small clearings made within a woodland to allow light through the canopy, encouraging a diversity of plants, fungi and invertebrates. With the help of our weekly volunteers, we began to slowly coppice the hazel in the area which would become the glade over the next few months of winter.
Our monthly volunteer task day in March was spent tidying up the glade. Projects such as this just would not be possible without the help of our fantastic volunteers, we are always so grateful for their hard work and enthusiasm. It was a glorious day in the sunshine, seeing the first green shoots of dog's mercury and honeysuckle beginning to cover the ground. We hope to see many more flowers in the coming months such as primrose, violets and orchids embracing the extra light from this glade.
If volunteering with us is something you are interested in then please call our office to find out more on 01833 622374, or email adam.millington@naturalengland.org.uk.
Charlotte Pink
Reserve Warden