Interested in volunteering with us?
We have a variety of volunteering opportunities available:
Green Guides - undertaking rangering duties at Cow Green Reservoir and along the footpath between Low Force and High Force: meeting and greeting members of the public, litter picking, and reporting issues to us - generally being our eyes and ears on key public areas of our Reserve.
Monthly Volunteering Task - undertaking practical habitat management tasks with us, such as scrub clearance, rush cutting, ragwort pulling, and tree guard maintenance. (Get to see parts of our Reserve not accessible to the public). Occurs every 2nd Thursday of the month, 10am - 4pm.
Volunteer Gardener - helping to look after the garden at Wynch Bridge End Cottage and Widdybank Farm.
Engagement/Education Volunteers - assisting us with our public events programme, wildlife club, and school visits.
Please call our reserve base on 01833 622374 for an informal chat, or email